Readme file for ADFLib on Win32

This file contains additional information on using ADFLib under 32-bit Windows. See the main library documentation for more general info.

Compiling the library on Win32 platforms

The ADFLib distribution contains a two makefiles for nmake:

Compiles the ADFLib as a static library. To use it, simply link your program with adflib.lib and #include adflibusr.h.

Compiles ADFLib as a DLL. This will produce the files ADFLib.dll, ADFLib.lib (the import library to link with your

Both makefiles contain debug and release targets. To specify which one to use, use a command line like this:

NMAKE /f "ADFLib.mak" CFG="ADFLib - Win32 Release"

The makefiles will produce a debug version of the library by default if no configuration is specified.

The Win32 native functions

When ADFLib is compiled under Win32, the Win32 native functions will be linked, allowing you to access Amiga harddisks directly in Windows. Current only Windows NT is supported - support for Windows 95 and 98 is in the pipeline.

For the direct drive access routines to work under Windows NT, you need administrative priviledges. This is a security feature of Windows NT and there is no way around it.

To open a physical device, simply use the following format as the filname:


Where x is the ID of the drive to mount. Example:

hd = adfMountDev("|H1");

Your system boot device always has an ID of 0. Attempting to mount it is not a good idea!